The wooden sculpture known as The Sanctum is finished! It sits in a lovely place to ponder the past and watch for wildlife. Created by Sarah at Spare Room Arts the structure contains mosaics made by the Freedom Centre, the dementia group at Evesham Meeting Centre and locals. It’s such a peaceful spot – it really is worth a visit.
Six colourful information panels – beautifully designed by Sarah and Ourside Youth Centre – went up in the autumn and a 1.7 mile circular trail is now signposted around New Farm Nature Reserve. If you visit, remember that public access is now from The Valley (not where we parked for the dig). During May, signage will be going up at The Valley to advertise the site and help people find it. The audio trail is also nearing completion and several geocaches will be going live soon. If you’ve not come across geocaching before, it is a bit like a giant treasure hunt.
And finally, we have three exciting events coming up soon! Scroll down for full details.

Living History Day
Saturday 11th May, 10 – 3
The Valley, Evesham
Transport yourself to Roman and Iron Age Evesham! Join us on the high street for live demonstrations and hands-on activities revealing the archaeology of New Farm Nature Reserve, near The Valley. Get up close with artifacts from the excavation, sample Roman cuisine, and explore ancient crafts like fabric dyeing.
In summer 2022, a community dig uncovered millennia of history hidden in this landscape. Through this excavation, we gained insights into the lives of past inhabitants and their activities.
Experience more than just a typical Roman farm. Discover tantalizing hints of imported wines, local ales, and simple meals offered to travelers along a well-traveled route. ‘Discover History’ will animate ancient pottery and artifacts, shedding light on Roman culinary traditions and the area’s integration into the Roman Empire.
Unearthed alongside Roman remains, an older Iron Age settlement provides further intrigue. ‘Tir Na Nog Heritage’ will demonstrate Iron Age textile production and vibrant dyeing techniques using plants. You can also try your hand at grinding grains, connecting with the daily tasks of those who came before us.
Tall Tales from Tribal Times
Tuesday 28th May, 10-12
The Valley, Evesham (venue TBC so please check our website before attending)
People have lived by the River Avon for centuries. Iron Age Farmers, Roman travellers, soldiers, potters and rascals; their stories and secrets have lain hidden for years in the objects they left behind. Our storyteller Ian has the power to bring them to life again! Join him at The Valley as he uncovers the scary, silly and downright hilarious things they got up to, through tall tales, songs, games and puppets. Perfect for young children and families – no charge but do bring a cushion if you want to be comfy!
Drop-in by the wooden fort (or find us in the picnic tipi if raining).
Go Deeper: Tales from the Past
Tuesday 28th May, 2 – 4pm
The Valley/ New Farm Nature Reserve
A 1 hour storytelling promenade event around the New Farm Nature Reserve, exploring characters and themes suggested by archaeology from the 2022 community excavations. Imagination, ritual, music and story unearth the human thread that binds us all when we Go Deeper. For adults and accompanied young people aged Year 7 and upwards (ages 11-12+).
You will be escorted from The Valley to a gathering place, ready for storytelling 2.30 – 3.30pm. At the end of the event (3.30pm) you will make your own way back, giving you the opportunity to linger and wander the site’s trails should you wish. Round trip is about 2 miles along footpaths and former farm tracks. Free, but booking required