Photo of band Hipflask Virgins

Last week saw the third in the series of The Sound of Worcester gigs for Uncover in Collaboration with SLAP. Larissa Almeida provides a pictorial review of the raw energy of Hipflask Virgins, Convey, The Cage and Pegging Mitchell. 

Pegging Mitchell

Photo of Emilie Westcott of Pegging Mitchell
Emilie Westcott of Pegging Mitchell
Photo of Emma Howett: of Pegging Mitchell
Emma Howett: of Pegging Mitchell

The Cage

Photo of Ivo Amps of The Cage
Ivo Amps of The Cage
Photos of Anthony Griffin of The Cage
Anthony Griffin of The Cage


Photo of band member from Convey
Photo of singer from Convey

Hipflask Virgins

Photo of Will of Hipflask Virgins
Will of Hipflask Virgins
Photo of Jay of Hipflask Virgins
Jay of Hipflask Virgins

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