EP cover for Reflections by Ian and Nathan Marrey

Reflections by Ian and Nathan Marrey is a home produced debut EP by a father and son team. Made up of four personal songs, its an EP of original music which was a project “long in the making and learning”. Any money raised from purchasing this EP will go towards the duo paying for some studio time and producing CDs.

Opening track Maggie is a variation of a true story of a woman whose decisions in life took her down a wrong path, which ultimately ended tragically. A mellow track with vocals that emit sorrow and pain as it literally tells her story of how her life started happy and healthy as a child, turning bitter as she mixed with the wrong people.  As we reach her untimely, the previously soft beats of the music ramp up evoking anger and regret of a life cut short. Words written by Dad, Ian and music by son Nathan, working together.

Second track Another Night, also known as the movie song as it was written when in Birmingham Children’s Hospital in the midst of lock down, father and son kept apart. A haunting opening, with rising and falling melody that matches the fear and uncertainty the lyrics paint.  Written as a train of thought,  confusion and doubt while being forced not to do the one thing we all feel is so natural, be with our loved ones. Backing vocals on this one provided by Rachel Marrey, making the whole project a family affair.

EP Review: Reflections by Ian and Nathan Marrey

Third track Song for Rachel is billed as a love song, but inspired in part by a long standing joke about a life insurance policy. Written and performed by Ian More, the track is upbeat, to hide a funny turn of events, where the Mrs who has apparently left, has indeed ended up under a tree at the bottom of the garden! Toe tapping humour to change the mood of this 4 track EP halfway through.

The last song, written and performed this time by Nathan, is called Icarus, and is dedicated to, I believe, his brother Jude. A heartwarming vocal describing the adventure they wish to take them on, with a worry that they’ll fly too close to the sun and get hurt. Delicate melodies until the end when a determined plea to promise all will be OK with backing vocals again from Ian and Rachel.

These four tracks make up the first part of a 2024 album release, and although the duo think it’s unlikely they’ll be touring these songs, or even the finished album, we’d urge them to reconsider. 

Songs that tell a story can resonate so well with a live audience, and I think the quality of what has been produced at home deserves to be aired in public. Watch this space for part 2, I think these guys have a lifetime of stories to recite.

By: Kate Fitzer

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