Take a look back at our printed editions of SLAP Mag from 2019, all issues are free to download.

SLAP Magazine, has been available in a print format since February 2011, and is distributed throughout Worcestershire, Herefordshire and Gloucestershire.

Issue 88 (February 2019)

Hello one and all! Exciting times here at SLAP HQ as we go to press on the first issue of the year, coinciding with the start of Independent Venue Week. There are loads of events up and down the count[…]

Issue 89 (March 2019)

Hello and welcome to the March issue of Slap Magazine, and a bumper issue it is too. 56 pages packed with local arts news, views, reviews and previews. Hopefully enough to keep you interested througho[…]

Issue 90 (April 2019)

Spring is here as we turn our thoughts to the season ahead, and what a summer it will surely be with all the music and arts events in the pipeline. We again look forward to a few of the local music[…]

Issue 91 (May 2019)

Where does the time go? It’s May already, my favourite month, and it’s the time of year we get to find out who will be headlining all the big festivals we have to look forward to. This year’s top […]

Issue 92 (June 2019)

Well it’s finally the end of May, whatever next? Who knows? Let’s worry about the things we are in control of, such as what you‘re going to do for entertainment this month… Well I guess that a[…]

Issue 93 (July 2019)

It’s another bumper month here in Slapland with so much to look forward to as we deadline on the hottest day of the year so far! It was wonderful to see the sun shining on Glastonbury this year w[…]

Issue 94 (August 2019)

We have had an amazing July of fun, festivals, good weather, good music and wonderful vibes all round, and August is looking just as exciting! There is plenty to look out for in August locally as y[…]

Issue 95 (September 2019)

Hello! How was August for you? Worn out yet? Well don’t relax to soon, the summer isn’t quite over yet… In this issue we take you back to a few of last months local festival highlights from G[…]

Issue 96 (October 2019)

September came and went in a flash and what a month it was for the local music scene… The Worcester Music Festival was a huge success and had the whole city buzzing with excitement. Early indicat[…]

Issue 97 (November 2019)

Hello everyone and welcome to the Winter of discontent, don’t worry, it’ll soon be over, maybe… In these dark days of political turbulence, it’s hard to imagine if we can ever go back to a […]

Issue 98 (December 2019)

Hello one and all and welcome to the December/January issue of SLAP Magazine which not only marks the start of another year, but it also marks the completion of 10 years of SLAP production. It’s […]
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