Poster for event Lights Camera Paint 2024

Worcester Film Festival & Artists Clubhouse launch ‘Lights, Camera… Paint’ 2024
Worcester from 24th August – 29th September 2024

Worcester Film Festival and Artists Clubhouse announce the third year of their film inspired art trail ‘Lights, Camera…Paint’, this year with the theme ‘Movie Mashup’s’. The trail runs throughout September around the city centre of Worcester featuring works by local people, charities and organisations to celebrate the synergy art has with film and the launch of the Worcester Film Festival.

Generously supported this year by community funding from Worcester City Council, Lynn Denham and Mel Allcott, and local company Bluebox Software; this means we are able to offer more artists places on the trail, include workshops for people to try out making their own movie mash-up posters and create free activity sheets which will be available at venues across the city with artwork designed by last year’s competition winner, Parth Trivedi.

During the trail three participating artists will be selected by a panel of judges made up of local people to be this year’s winners. Prizes have been sponsored by Worcester based company Bluebox Software who are especially excited to be involved in the trail this year as it coincides with them opening their new office in the city. Managing Director Simon Chrzanowski said “We’re honoured to be involved celebrating film and art across our home city. Movie culture is a huge influence on our team and we can’t wait to see the results of local creative talent tackling the movie-mash up theme this year.”

Worcester Film Festival Logos

With their combined passion for opening up opportunities within the creative industries, encouraging people to find joy through making/experiencing art for positive wellbeing, and bringing people together, the two organisations continue to form a perfect partnership and really look forward to seeing the creativity flow through the city once again.

The art trail will run from 24th August until 29th September 2024.

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